TLDR: Behavior change isn’t a step-by-step linear process. It is more like a game of chutes and ladders. Each person progresses on their own path with forward and backward movements. To effect change, this process must be supported. People need to become advocates for the transformation to make it permanent. Any commitment level less than advocacy may lead to a regression once the pressure for change is gone. For people to advocate for something, they need to feel a sense of ownership. That's the secret sauce. Raise your hand if you have ever been through organizational change training. I have been through at least five during my career, and while they all have something to offer, I have yet to see any of them effect lasting organization-wide change. This process is deeply personal. It involves a level of introspection that can be uncomfortable. It's entirely reasonable to want to avoid discomfort. So, as soon as the focus is off, most of us return to what is comfortable. Organizational shift is possible, but not as an end goal by itself. You must continually enable a culture that embraces change and discomfort. More on that at the end. I decided to go to grad school in Communication after I discovered that music education wasn't for me. When I told a class of young elementary students that my name, Mr. Syme, rhymed with slime, it was a clear sign that I might have other strengths to focus on. Communication is an interdisciplinary field of study. It borrows heavily from other academic fields and often focuses on understanding how communication affects behavior. In academic article after academic article, I kept seeing a pattern like this used to describe the stages of behavior change: Awareness > Understanding > Acceptance > Adoption > Advocacy While different studies have more or fewer steps, I took this as the essence of how people progress through change. This view of behavior has framed a significant portion of my professional career. Awareness (Understanding the what) Awareness is simple in concept. Just tell people the thing, right? Awareness without retention or context doesn’t provide the foundation for long-term change. Memorable delivery can help, but it often comes down to repetition. There are many ways to measure awareness. Something as simple as conversations with your team can help you assess if awareness is where it needs to be for the next stage. Awareness is also an easy stage to forget about. If you are the transformation agent, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about the change you want. So, it is understandable that you might jump right to explaining why your idea is so fantastic without telling anyone what it is. Spend time contemplating what you are asking from the perspective of the people you are asking it from. It will be worth the time Not long ago, I became obsessed with feature flags. I talked about them constantly but never gave any context in my ramblings. So, one day, I came to our product team and said we needed to create some stories for feature flags, and they looked at me like I was crazy. I got frustrated because I had been talking about them for weeks. But I never gave them any context, and that lack of context caused them not to be curious about why I wanted them. So, even after weeks of trying to raise awareness, I failed because they didn't realize that the context was something they should inquire about. The context that eventually moved the conversation forward was that it was a missing tool in our toolbox. Understanding (The external why)Understanding almost always comes right after awareness. You can tell you have reached this stage because the person will look at you and ask, "Why?" After you tell them, you are done—mission accomplished. If only it were that easy. What they are asking for is the external why. They are asking, 'Why do you think this is important? They haven't begun to figure out if it is important to them. Remembering that importance to you, the team, the company, or the planet may not translate to vital to them. This stage's point is to convey why you feel this is important, not necessarily to gain their agreement. Once I gave our product team enough context around feature flags, they asked a very reasonable question, “Why do we need that?” It turns out that just answering that we needed to keep moving forward doesn't provide any understanding. Eventually, I understood that I hadn't discussed how the feature flag supports our focus on small pieces of value that can be delivered quickly. Because we can push a partial feature to production without releasing it to the system users, they got why I wanted to do it. However, I soon learned I wasn't done trying to affect change. Acceptance (The internal why)This is the point where they believe you. In a conversation, you may get some head nods or an “Okay, I get it.” Again, it is essential to recognize that understanding something doesn’t mean it holds any relevance. It might, but that’s not something you can assume at this point. Avoid the temptation to think that because you made a PowerPoint or sent an email, the job is done. Each situation will require differing levels of evidence to convince people of acceptance, but until you do, all you are doing is lecturing. It may take several different ways of presenting the need to get acceptance. Resist the urge to say, “Because I said so.” We're still several weeks into my feature flag obsession and don't have any stories to work on this. I'm still trying to raise awareness and refresh their acceptance. As much as I thought we had progressed through those, the product team hadn't internalized the need. That's when I realized I could explain how having feature flags could have prevented a giant bottleneck of work from a couple of months earlier when the team kept adding work to a single feature because it couldn't be partially deployed. I still remember when the light went on for the product team. Now, they finally saw the value of feature flags. Adoption (The false finish – maybe)Finally, if the internal "why" makes sense to them, they will incorporate the new behavior into their lives. Congratulations—mostly. Unfortunately, adoption does not necessarily mean that they like or agree with the behavior. All you can assume is that they understand why they should do it. How many times have you made a change because failure to do so would jeopardize your job? Most behavior modification programs end here. The problem is that there is no reason to continue the behavior once the "internal why" isn't relevant. The bad news is that if you haven’t laid the proper groundwork, this may be as far as you can get, which is why many programs end here. I finally got my stories to do the research, and the team evaluated four different products. Both the product and engineering teams understood the value. They did a nice job defining the evaluation criteria and providing a small proof of concept for each product. It was almost a win, but it was occasionally pushed to the side when urgent things came along, and it only resurfaced when I brought up the ongoing work. Had I not kept nagging, the work probably would have been shelved because while they understood why I wanted it and how it could benefit them, they didn't have a sense of ownership yet. Advocacy (The end goal)This is the goal. At this point, they have fully internalized the value of the change and believe it holds value for others as well. A significant challenge often preventing advocacy achievement is asking for a change that doesn't benefit them. If you haven't figured it out, top-down directives can't get you here. So, what's a growth mindset advocate to do? It involves trust, accountability, autonomy, and experimentation. More articles are coming, so I won't leave you hanging for too long. I owe my engineering team for bringing everybody to advocacy in my drawn-out feature flag story. Two members of the team had done proof of concepts on what's possible with various feature flag platforms. When our product team saw these demos and what they could do, the brainstorming and excitement about the possibilities were unbridled. From then on, I didn't have to worry about nagging the team about feature flags. They were trying to figure out a way to do it themselves. One last thoughtAs evidenced by my feature flag stories, this is usually not a linear progression, and rarely are all members of an organization at the same stage simultaneously. Ideally, I would have worked on getting a sense of ownership from the team far earlier in the process. It would have saved me so much work. Remember, I said change is deeply personal. This makes the process complex. The support needed to move to each stage will be different.
If your goal is advocacy, as I believe it should be, then you will need to find a way to support every individual you are asking to change at every stage you are asking. You need to be aware enough to know if someone skips a stage or backtracks and help guide them appropriately. Fortunately, you don't have to do this alone if you have created a culture that embraces change and discomfort through trust, accountability, autonomy, and experimentation. This takes time.
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